Sunday, October 28, 2007

My new house...

... It's been a little while since I have given you any updates.

Well it's been quite hectic as I have just moved house. I haven't moved too far away just a few feet really, but it is by far upgraded accomodation!

Here's a photo of what it looks like:

At the back is my den which is filled with hay, so it is nice and cosy. At the front there is a rug what I can wipe my feet on when I come in from the outside.

There is also a little door which enables me to go from the shed into the run, it can be bolted shut at night so as to privide me with extra protection should any foxes venture into the garden.

I hope you like it, I know I do, even if it is getting a bit of getting used to, afterall I've lived in my old hutch for over 4 years now. Although I do think it needs a bit of accessorising, some pictures perhaps?

Saturday, October 6, 2007

I got sooty!!!

Well as it was a wet day my "two-foot" allowed me to stretch my legs in the house!! It's always fun in the house... so much space... so many nooks and crannys to get into!

Well today I decided that the chimney needed some further investigated! So there I was poking my in beside the candles... didn't realise that it was so dirty behind there... does noone ever clean this house?

Well I couldn't leave myself looking that dirty so I wiped my sooty cheek on the carpet....

Not sure my "two-foot" was too impressed with this... an additional pattern on the carpet... can't be helped I suppose!?

Well I had a good hop about, then back out to the hutch with a dinner of fresh veg.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Off to the vets...

... well my "two-foot" came out to feed me today as usual... they a bit later came out once more and put me into a pink yes... pink I tell you... carrier, much to my protest... in I went!!

I was popped into the car... (radio blaring - when will she ever learn??)... short drive along the road, and there I was in the vets waiting room!!! It was quite quiet though, one cat was leaving as I arrived, but no barking dogs!

I was popped onto the table.... thinking being a dead weight was the way to go... got prodded and poked a bit and then a needle was stuck into me twice!!

Well it was my myxomatosis jab... I'm told it's for my own good, especially as there's an outbreak this year!

Barely half an hour had passed and I was back where I belonged, finishing off my breakfast and washing it down with some nice Orchard Grass...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Cleaning out day...

....well today is "cleaning out day".... my two foot removes all the old bedding from my hutch and replaces it with nice new fresh clean bedding! I help my "two foot" by moving some of the bedding myself... and running about the hutch!

Hey... this isn't finished yet.... where's the fresh bedding????
That's better, lots of lovely hay to munch on!!! My "two foot" says there's some special hay in my ball in the run... but I love this English Meadow hay!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A bit of history...

Thought I ought to introduce myself to you all and update you on my story so far…

I’m four and a half years old, so consider myself a wise man of the world! I came to live with my “two foot” when I was about 8 weeks. When I first arrived I was kept inside in the dry and warm as it was winter time and I wasn’t used to the harshness of outside weather. I had a cosy cage and was allowed plenty of time to go discovering the rest of the hours… oh the fun to be had!!

When the sun started to shine my “two foot” said the fresh air would do me good, so outside I went. Just for a few hours at first during the warmer parts of the day. I had a small hutch and run to investigate and then sometimes I was allowed on a lead to investigate the whole garden. The lead was a little strange at first, but I got used to it and it meant that I could do where ever I wanted and got into some mischief along the way.

They one day a large delivery arrived... my "two foot" seemed to spend hours out in the garage, banging about! They I discovered what was going on, a new hutch was delivered and a run was being built! It was much larger than the other one I had spent some time it! But now it seemed I'd have to stay out overnight... this was a scary thought. I soon got used to it, I didn't mind really, it meant I had more space and I enjoyed listening and watching the goings on in the garden. My "two-foot" had made the hutch and run nice and secure so nothing could get in and I felt safe.