Saturday, October 6, 2007

I got sooty!!!

Well as it was a wet day my "two-foot" allowed me to stretch my legs in the house!! It's always fun in the house... so much space... so many nooks and crannys to get into!

Well today I decided that the chimney needed some further investigated! So there I was poking my in beside the candles... didn't realise that it was so dirty behind there... does noone ever clean this house?

Well I couldn't leave myself looking that dirty so I wiped my sooty cheek on the carpet....

Not sure my "two-foot" was too impressed with this... an additional pattern on the carpet... can't be helped I suppose!?

Well I had a good hop about, then back out to the hutch with a dinner of fresh veg.

1 comment:

Sir Bobbin said...

Oh no!! Hehee! There isn't a fireplace where I live but I betcha I would be doing exactly the same if there was, looks like fun!

My eye is loads better thanks, not completely but far less watery than it was. Thanks for your kind words!

Much bunny hugs, Bobbin xx